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Racing Administration

If you are Licensed, Permitted or Registered under the Rules of Racing then this is the service for you to carry out your racing related tasks and administration

You must be registered to use this service. This usually takes place during your application process. Once registered, you will be able to login simply using your registered email address and chosen password.

Your use of this site is subject to the Terms and Conditions of Use (available once you log in). You are reminded that this site is for your own personal use only, and sharing your password is a breach of the Terms and Conditions

If you feel you are eligible to use the service but have not yet registered, or are unsure if you are already registered, please contact the Web Support Team at Weatherbys on +44(0)1933 304828 or email [email protected]

If you are looking for information on British racing, including forms, facts and publications, please visit the British Horseracing Authority website www.britishhorseracing.com

Browsers and Cookies

When using this system on the web, we want you to have the best possible viewing experience, therefore we recommend using the Google Chrome web browser for optimum performance. You can download it for free here www.google.co.uk/chrome/browser/desktop/index.html

This website uses cookies to monitor how the site is being used. If you log into the site, we will assume your permission to use cookies. For more information, such as how to control your cookie settings, visit www.aboutcookies.org

Help and Support

For help and support, please visit Help and Support